It’s Part 2 of the Week In IndyCar Listener Q&A show as we prepare for the season file using listener-driven questions submitted via social media. 

A sampling of the submissions:

“With the condensed offseason due to Covid, is there more pressure on teams to have a solid season finale to help kickstart their 2021 campaigns? I’m sure there’s still a great deal of silliness left in this offseason, but do you see anything results wise to truly affect seat movement for 2021 with the finale?”

“How close are we to a Scott McLaughlin deal being announced? His reaction after Bathurst seemed to suggest he’s pretty confident of a full season next year in IndyCar.”

“Lately we’ve been hearing about some drivers burning off the rears too quickly. Herta in particular, but others as well. I assume some of this is the diff settings on non-ovals. What else enters into it?”

“What will be series biggest priority in the offseason? Third engine supplier? Updated rules package for next season especially on aeroscreen? Potential chassis remake? Attempt to add more ovals tracks in 2022 to even Roger buying one?”


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